Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Letter from a Friend

Today's beautiful thing was unexpected but awesome. I got a letter from a college friend and it made my day. I go to a private college so, when the semester ends, we all scatter across the country. Not many of my friend live in my state, so it's nice to hear from them.

I also think letters in general are a beautiful thing. In a world of internet, e-mail, blogging (hey...I'm not complaining...), Facebook, and instant messaging, it's a lovely thing when people take a couple minutes to sit down and write a few lines to let someone know they were thinking of them. It might be a little old-fashioned, but it's also a very tangible form of communication which is a cool feeling we don't get too often anymore. I haven't been this excited to see mail since somewhere around my 10th birthday. :)

1 comment:

  1. Snail mail are the most precious things from an individual. You keep memories, and their fingerprints (their signature - write). It's so beautiful. :-)

    Love you lady!
